Tuesday 31 December 2013

Day trip to Devon!

Saturday, me and my dad took a day trip to Devon to see my Nan, Uncle, his fiancĂ©e and my beautiful baby cousin Henry James! 

After a very difficult year for our family we thought it would be nice to go cheer up my nan as it would be the last time i would see her until around February. 

Powderham Castle

We went out for lunch at a restuarant at Powederham Castle, which must i add is the cutest place ever!

We spent the afternoon admiring Henry who turned 2 this month! He's come a long so well since the last time i saw him in October. He seems to know me as 'Pooba' as he refuses to say Kim. He's talking a lot now, little phrases that he will just repeat over and over again.

We then took a little walk before heading back to my Uncles house for a cup of tea and a lindor chocolate! mmm.

We then took the two and a half hour trip home where we just watched TV and relaxed before work the next day! 


Wednesday 28 August 2013

25 facts about me!

As i'm new to this blog thing, i thought a get to know me post would fit quite nicely. 

1. My name is Kimberley/Kim.

2. I come from a little place about an hour away from london.

3. I am currently 17 years old. 

4. I am about to go into my second and last year of sixth form where i am studying; business studies, psychology and photography.

5. I drink tea... all day long. 

6. I find all things beauty related amazing! I could go make-up shopping all day!

7. I have an addiction to chinese food! sooooo good! 

8. I am a very shy person upon meeting new people.

9. I hope to go to university to study Business Management.

10. I have a pet dog named Rosie. 

11. I'd love to live in Alykes, Zante one day, it's my favouritest place in the whole world! 

12. I went to New York in October 2012 and got stuck in Hurricane Sandy! Scary but exciting!

13. I have a phobia of stickers and plasters! horrible things erghhhh.

14. I really want to own my own businesses when i am older and be a businesswoman. 

15.  I'm 5'6, not tall.. not small. 

16. I could spend hours and hours watching youtube videos.

17. I can't eat onions, mcdonalds or kfc as it will make me ill - sad life. 

18. I have creepily long fingers and toes! 

19. My favourite films are monsters inc and finding nemo, hehe. 

20. I really want to travel the world. 

21. I am a really bad morning person, i hate talking to people as soon as i've woken up. 

22. I have a brother named Michael.

23. I played football for 12 years and loved it! 

24. I have blue eyes.

25. My friends and family are the most important things to me in the world. 

and that's me in 25 facts! 


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